This post is in continuation of Sai leela experienced by Sai devotee,Sai Bhairava temple priest -Shri Meenakshi Sundaram ji .Please read the next part of the leela.These Sai experiences experienced by Meenakshi Sundaram ji shall be posted part by part .Devotees who miss any of these leela can go at the end of the post and click on given links to read the missed out post .Jai Sai Ram .
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On the last Thursday of the year 1979, I left to Shirdi with my son. But on that Thursday there was a very large assembly of devotees. An announcement was made over the loudspeaker that Sri Sai Baba’s sacred padhams would be placed for Darshan and worship at 9 p.m. instead of 7.30 p.m. The bus I had to board would start at 9.00 p.m. It would be very difficult for me to board the bus after the Darshan. If I missed that bus I could leave Shirdi only the next day.
Another day of leave of absence would be required. I prayed to Sri Baba thus:” Why this test? I will not be peaceful if I start without having darshan of your sacred Padhams". Immediately an old man approached me and told his friend nearby something. He brought the sacred padhams of Sri Baba before me and took them away soon. This was really quite surprising to me. This was really a wonder.

At this juncture I got introduced to an official in the L.I.C. and got a loan from them and the registration of the house in our names was done. This was also the work of Sri Baba. Though I had to go through some anxious days it was Sri Baba who finalized the house deal. I named the house “Sri Sai Kripa”. Thus the years 1980 and 1981 went by. As usual I went to Shirdi.
In 1982, I undertook a trip to Shirdi. In 1983 my company set up a new factory where I had to plan schemes of development. By Sri Baba’s grace and blessings and by my efforts I got good orders from the companies I approached. The new factory expanded fast and I was given promotion and given higher salary. This was undoubtedly Sri Sai’s miracle in my life.
In the middle of 1983 I was asked to vacate the rented house in which I lived. The house-owner gave me sufficient time to vacate the house. My last child, -Baba’s gift-Caesar the dog, had to be with me. But no house where I could keep my dog with me was available. Then I came to know that a portion in the first floor of a house near the house where I lived was available for rent. The house-owner was in Coimbatore. There was much competition for that portion. I went to the Mylapore Sri Sai Temple and prayed. I thought of trying for that portion through a Sai devotee in Coimbatore. I wrote a letter to that woman-owner who asked me to vacate the house within a particular period and I assured her that I would do so.

The house-owner of the portion in Coimbatore did not reply to me at all. By chance my officers asked me to pay an official visit to Coimbatore for some days. This was again the blessing of Sai. Meanwhile that Sai devotee’s father asked her why she had not replied to my letter. That woman told her father that she did not know to which house I referred. He told her that it was the house near her uncle’s house. He took her that Mr. Meenakshi Sundaram was in a difficult situation and asked her to help me. She went to her uncle’s house and recommended my case for rent. Her uncle wrote to me a letter in his hand giving me the house for rent.
When on the next day I reached Coimbatore I contacted the house-owner over the phone and he told me that he had already written to me reserving the house for me. He thought I was calling from Chennai and when I said I am speaking to him from Coimbatore he asked me to come to his house and the same evening I paid the advance and fixed the house for rent. It was only through Sri Baba’s grace that I got the house for rent. To be continued.....

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