Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day ,
All these details have been personally handed over to my mom by Meenakshi Sundaram ji in the form of a book”SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA’S GREATNESS AND MY EXPERIENCES AS HIS STAUNCH DEVOTEE” in Bhairava Sai Mandir and Bhairava Sai is my Guru. My Sai tied his strings and pulled me in to this mandir. Saima gave me an instinct to share these wonderful leelas to the rest of the Sai children. I wish and pray to my eternal father to bless me and beg his pardon if I commit any error in my work. I am writing this as Meenakshi Sundaram ji speaks to us to make it more lively and interesting.
Words are not adequate to dwell at length on the mystic acts of Sri Sai Baba. This book is too little to contain all the multifarious, mystic acts of the Lords of Lords, Lord Sri Sai Baba.
Sri Sai Baba’s devotees have the rare opportunity to know about his wonderful, mysterious, awe-inspiring acts through this book, Sri Sai has a rare power of magnetism, he draws all human beings to him in this world and showers his grace on them. I have the blessedness of talking to him when I am one with him and I hear his low, inspiring whispers in my innermost being. I feel that if the devotees of Sri Sai Baba listen to his glories several times a day they will not fall prey to any misfortune. This is but Sri Sai baba’s message and I make it known to the Sai world.~Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai ~.
Miracles that happened in my Life-G.Meenaskshi Sundaram(Saidasanji )
Since my childhood I have been attending the Bhajans conducted by Sri Sai Baba’s devotees. But it may be said that I was not deeply involved in the religious activities of Sai devotees. I lost my mother at the tender age of ten. So I grew up under the affection and care of my father. My father was an ardent devotee of Lord Rama. He was unworldly and so he had a spirit of detachment which did not allow him to engage in household affairs interestedly. In this kind of family circumstance I grew up.
I worked in a Government office and then in Easun Engineering Co., for 25 years. I did my job, quite difficult, to the satisfaction of my boss. As a reward for my hard work he made some promises and did not fulfill them. So I had to resign from my job. At this testing time there was a proposal that I should get married. I did not know what to do. I was staying in a lodge with my friends. I was sleeping one day at about 4 a.m. I had a dream. In that dream full of spiritual significance I got a command from my inner most being and the command was this. “Recite Gayathri Mantram 1008 times daily in the morning from 4 a.m. to 6a.m. for 48 days. After the completion of 48 days do Homam using cow’s ghee and cow-dung cake reciting 100 times Gayathri Mantra”.
For sometime I was a devotee of Lord Anjaneya. But as I was young I did not have the maturity to observe properly the religious formalities prescribed for Anjaneya Upasana. I recited Skanda Shashti kavacham daily and got a spear, Lord Muruga’s weapon, from a devotee of Lord Muruga. But to my ill-luck I could not continue my worship of Lord Muruga for long. Then I began to recite Durga Saptasloki. During the nine days of Navarathri I recited Lalitha Sahasranamam and did Archana to Devi. I gave up the worship of Devi also. I could not understand why I discontinued my practice of worshipping Lord Muruga and Devi.
After sometime, I set up a big machine in the Godrej company under the instructions of my office. Earlier I had set up four such machines. I did not experience any great problem in my work. But during the period of erection of the machine I was in a puzzled state. I was seriously thinking whether I should resign from my job or not. I experienced the tremors of an earth quake in me. I was uncertain of my future. It was in that crucial period that I felt the holy hand of the most gracious, all embracing Sri Sai Baba.
In December 1972 it was three months since I started the work of erecting the machine in the Godrej Company. The company complained that it was not the correct type of machine and that it had to be taken back. I was not responsible for any mistake in the erections of the machine. Sri Sai Baba intervened at this time. I am very happy to share with you some of the wonderful experiences I underwent.
My head office asked me to return to office. I was heart-broken. As soon as I got into my branch office under a cloud, with wrinkles of care in my face, a Parsi typist anxiously asked me,“ Why are you so care-worn? You seem to be in low spirits. What is the reason for your despair?” I told her all that happened. That lady gave me a helpful suggestion.

I told her I was about to start to the head office. She took me to the Assistant branch manager and explained the urgent necessity of my going to Shirdi to have Darshan of Lord Sri Sai Baba. Without just telling me’you can go’ he took me to the bus terminus and reserved my ticket for my travel to Shirdi. But the reservation was not available.
I was eager to have Darshan of the Lord on Thursday by 5 a.m. my officer, Mr. M.K. Ghosh, a Bengali, waited for sometime. I meditated on the Lord. I cried to HIM mentally how will I worship him? if I did not get the reservation ticket. I told him, “Please make arrangements to take me to your place. Otherwise, I shall go back to my place. If I’m your true devotee please intervene in this matter and do some miracle”. I was lost in meditation. Just then, a man in khaki uniform approached me and asked me, ”Where should I go?”
I told him, “I want to go to Shirdi. Please issue me a ticket,”
I reached Shirdi at 11 p.m. the next day. I contacted the reception counter. One Mr. Shinde at the counter explained to me the details about the holy place and told me that the temple would be open by 5 a.m. and asked me to come at 4 a.m. He told me that hot water would be available in the morning. The next day at 4 a.m. someone knocked at my door and asked me whether I wanted hot water. I said “Yes”, at 4.15 a.m. hot water was brought and I bathed and got ready to go to the temple. It was then 4.50 a.m.

I took my lunch, I was eager to buy a locket with the image of Sri Sai baba prominently inscribed on it. In fact I went from shop to shop to get the locket which could come up to my expectation. But it was a vain search. I wanted to buy a locket in memory of my visit to the holy shrine. So without getting the locket I longed for I boarded the bus leaving for Bombay at 3.30p.m.
That day by 11 p.m. the bus reached the Bombay Central Bus Terminus. Then I came by taxi to my lodge at Mathunga. Having paid the taxi fare I opened my purse and to my great delight and surprise I saw a locket with a prominent image of Sri Sai Baba. I told my friends about this wonder and they too wondered how the locket came in to my purse.
When I went the next day to my office, I found a sealed envelope in my table. I found a letter and copy of the same sent to my head office. The letter read:”We have scrutinized the matter. The fault lies in our floor level. We accept the machine. Kindly come and demonstrate the machine once again". The letter was signed by the M.D. of Godrej Company, Mr. Nowraji Godrej.
That night I had a vision of Sri Sai Baba in my dream. He ordered me to come to his temple on the last Thursday of every year. He gave me a precious advice. ”YOU PARTAKE OF OTHERS SUFFERINGS BUT LET NOT OTHERS PARTAKE OF YOUR SUFFERINGS.” From that day onwards I experience wonders whenever I visit my Lord’s shrine.
To be continued in more chapters to come...

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